Sharpenening Iron

Fostering Camaraderie... Sharpening Iron is about the body of Christ coming together, doing both indoor & outdoor activities to foster the camaraderie & brotherhood / sisterhood of Christ followers in Northwest Arkansas. 

A forge is a an extremely hot place where metal is heated through a furnace, and then through repeated pounding, quencing, and filing it becomes a sharp weapon such as a sword. We are told that the Word of God is a “double-edged sword” in Hebrews 4:12.  Like the heated environment of the forge through shared experiences we pound against each others inperfections. Through the power of the Holy Spirit wisdom quenches our undesired- unhealthy characters. Utilizing compassion in the word of God we then file away at the unecessary delaminations, or weak layers that try to seperate us from Christ. We do that in order to establish a lasting strong bond in Christ and fellowship with other believers. The final result is that we all reach the unity in the faith, in the knowledge of son of  God, mature, grasping the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Building Lasting Relationships

We have as promised, 

Proverbs 27:17 (NAB) says, “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” This is an important quality to find in friendship. When friends just tell us what we want to hear, they are doing us a disservice. Folks in order to sharpen one another, we need toopen up our hearts and  give one another permission to speak truth into each other's lives. We all have blind spots-thats a part of being human. Yet a good friend can help us take a closer look in the mirror honestly. We do do this most effectively if we can see who we are at our best and then call that goodness out of us. This is different from criticizing us. It's saying, “This is who I know you are at the core, and how well you want to love. I don't think you are acting like your truest self right now. What is hurting? How is your heart? Is there any way I can help you?” Many of us want to have a deep friend and want to be that friend to someone else, but don't know where to begin. Perhaps you have moved to a new location, or your having difficulty navigating new friendships, or maybe you just need to hit reboot with your current friendship situation. We understand and are here to support you.

Where do we begin to experience & fullfill this purpose ?

Listen friend, today my heart's desire is to encourage you-while reminding myself that biblical fellowship is extremely crucial to our strengthening our faith life. When you are engaged with in the word of God daily its the same as eating our daily meals.  Make it a point to reach out to fellow believers by join a small groups, and participating in rewarding activities that build your mind, soul, body, and spirit. I understand that all have busy lives, but the most important friendships in your life will always be with other believers because you share something so incredibly different than you do with anyone in this world. If you have not yet experienced this type of “iron sharpening iron,” Pick an area of your life, any area at all in which you feel you might be weak ( your faith, health, discipline or self control, finances, time management, anything)  Now ask yourself, have you surrounded yourself with people who are strong in this area? I highly encourage you to pray about which activities to participate in, then sign up and join one. Once you experience what this type of brotherhood / sisterhood feels like and the vitality it brings to your life, you will crave it when you are without it. It sharpens you and refreshes you for whatever comes your way. It’s God’s grace wrapped up in another person as a gift!

Dear Heavenly Father, we praise your holy name for the gift of fellowship and for the guiding truth that you have given us to maneuver through this chaotic life. We thank you for the gift your son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to make fellowship with you possible. Lord we ask that you enrich our lives, by blessing us who need godly friendships. Lord put people in our paths at the right time. Lord allow us to experience oneness with other like minded believers as we focus our hearts on the things that are everlasting and not perishing. Lord forgive us where we fail, and convict our hearts of areas that we are blinded to. Create in us a pure heart and renew in us a right spirit this day Lord. Amen

Sharpen Iron Initiatives

Rogers Dream Center

Rogers Dream Center

The Rogers Dream center is a volunteer-driven organization that equips volunteers to make a difference in our community

Keypoint Church

Keypoint Church

We're a church that believes that Jesus is the key and people are the point, come engage in one of our life groups !

Northwets Church

Northwest Church

Northwest Church Arkansas Connect groups are meeting onsite, in-home, and online. Find a group & sign up today to begin growing together.

Reboot Recovery

Reboot Recovery

Re-purpose Your Tragedy and Trials to Bring Healing to Others Dealing With Trauma. REBOOT is a 12-Week Trauma Healing Course Taught From a Faith-Based Perspective.

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October 2024