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Honor is treating someone with proper respect to individuals no matter what you think about them, because they earned earned it. Showing honor involves placing a high value, and giving recognition someone because of what they have done. In both ancient and modern times public honor is an important cultural value, to have shame equals devastation. Maintaining your honor may cause others to criticize you, like standing up for what is biblically right. It takes courage to sacrifice yourself, and fulfill your duty. Soldiers often face extreme danger, no matter what the threat, and keep the oath that he made to defend the nation. Romans 13: 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. We are expected to give honor to people who have authority over us.

The Bible tells us that we are supposed to show honor to leaders who are instructing us spiritually and discipling us:  1 Timothy 5:17 “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” Here is another example-If you have kids, and perhaps you have to drop them off every morning at day care-say thank you, get their birthday, and send them a card. In the US military: The Medal of Honor is the highest award that can be given to any individual by the US Government. The president of the United States presets the award in the name of congress, and is only given who have distinguished themselves through conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty: while engaged in action against an enemy of the United States.

I think that our culture has become a place of dishonor, one thing that I learned while serving in the Us Army was that having honor defined you as a person, while you guided others with your character. In the Army having honor meant that you had a commitment to do the right thing, without someone praising you. Honor is your code, and it was very important in the Army because it represented your commitment to serving your country. In the Army the concept of honor code represents your conduct, living with a high ethical standard of behavior. Daily I learned to embrace that code as I put on that uniform, or wore civilian clothes. It was important how I presented myself to my community, so I had a duty to bring honor to my unit. Leaders should take their roles more seriously, being ambassadors of justice, nobility, and professionalism

I believe God wants us to show honor to people like government officials, and your boss at work. Jesus came to earth an example to show us how to honor others, if you read in the bible, you will discover that honor doesn’t just benefit those we show it too, but also it benefits ourselves. Proverbs 21:21 “Whoever pursues righteousness, and kindness will find honor. God will honor us when we honor other people; Jesus said in John 12:26 “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him”. God does doesn’t show us honor like the world does; with wealth, recognition, status, or fame. Jesus wants us to be leaders of character, such as being honest, and truthful about what we do. Honor is a reward we receive from God by living faithful, humble, and righteous.

How you carry honor each and every day, is something that you practice-not just a concept. I believe the Army came up with a set of core values roughly around 2005, it was when I had just arrived at my second duty station in Germany. It was a system that soldiers were supposed to understand, and embrace-being professional. I thought that

it was a way providing personal responsibility for a person’s actions, like curriculum for character development. These core values represented the culture of being a modern soldier, and it still influences how the Army operates today. Living with values like honor are very important: providing ethical substance, and character development of leaders. We as a society must adhere to the foundation of biblical principles, and moral virtues in order to realize great leadership. It’s basically a social contract to treat each other right.