Warrior Leadership Development Training

Character Sketches

Leadership Character Sketches. We have published material on leadership values, an acronym: L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P: which includes 10 scripture-based character qualities that we believe every individual that is steps into a leaders role should adopt. These sketches will be shared thru podcasts, YouTube videos, and in the near future John Brown University Organizatinal Leadership Curriculum  We have provided the material for purchase in our store: Leadership Values-Character Sketches. Thge book is currently available thru Amazon Kindle, but we also have the book in stock to purchase. Thanks.

Team Building Courses

We have designed a series of team building courses that are designed to help individuals build confidence, overcome thier fears, and learn how to execute difficult challenges with small teams with 3-6 members at a time. This program will consist of two locations. One of the locations is at Creekside Park Farmington, AR. The other location has features such as ropes climbing, and scale a large tower over 50 feet, and then rapel down that is called “Victory Tower”. We will meet on weekends starting August 31-Sept 1st, before labor day. We will provide registration link to start soon.

Certified Trainers

We want to put your mind at ease: our program trainers are individuals  professionals in military & first responder backgrounds  with years of conducting successful operations with effective safety procedures. Our cadre will assist the participants who struggle to execute difficult tasks. These cadre will also oversee weekly homework assignments that help participants grow as professionals, & also report back to thier organization the skills that participants developed that week. How can you play a role ? We need your support, sign up to learn how you can help !

Our Experience

Justin Richards, Founder & CEO is a US Army Combat Veteran with six years of active duty service, and 1 year of Georgia National Guard service. My time spent in the military taught me that “squad leaders” were the unit’s first line of defense; meaning that as a mature soldier your responsibility was to care for the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being of others entrusted to you. If something went wrong at your level-then you are expected to know, and professionally resolve the situation. US Army basic training taught me the importance of team building, introducing the “battle buddy” concept. I learned to work together with others in cohesion to accomplish the overall mission of the company, and the US Army at large.

Our 10 week program puts high school students going into college, college student entering management roles, or leadership in the workplace, and refreshes current management leaders though difficult paces, with learning objectives that range from teams building trust in each other, to character value exercises. Its going to be intense like military boot camp, It’s a necessary experience so individuals can appropriately deal with challenges of life.

Research shows that in organizations the number one reason for leadership failure is a lack of training on utilizing proper interpersonal skills, including using standards of moral character. A few examples are empathizing with others, listening, and getting involved with their needs. Current leaders are not obtaining the right process of experiencing their true purpose, nor are they showing dependable support for others who struggle to succeed.

Individuals volunteering to participate are plucked out of their daily roles and submerged into various hands-on exercises and work projects. This training will fuse ideals with practice, utilizing occupational scenarios to expose individuals to a realm of different experiences. Using small teams that we’ve put through the training, result is accelerated development that empowers them to swiftly step into a focused, and precised workplace roles

The commitment to cultivate people impacted me because of my time serving in the military. The US Army demonstrated applications to me in the sense that we need to rapidly instruct today workforce. It is important to invest in the people who possess the capability to drive business forward. Discovery shows these leaders often participate in community projects because the roles they play as community leaders is influential

Program Structure

Character curriculum booklets are written, and produced, and will be distributed to volunteer enrollees at a small cost of $14 after signing up for a ten-week course that involves weekly 45-minute lectures on each of the 10 LEADERSHIP acronym character values. The participants will be assigned tasks at the end of each lecture to complete on weekends. We will train for an additional 45 minutes in an outdoor obstacle course actively modeling the character concepts they learned that week. Participants will be required to continue modeling the following week those character values in the organizations they belong to, and as homework assignment-report back feedback, results, and progress from thier respective chain of authority. Participants’ assignments will be evaluated, graded by our team of professionals, and counseled on how to enhance thier leadership skills. Progress reports will be shared with each participants sponsored organization. Our content will be shared with local communites via pod casts, YouTube, John Brown University, and local radio stations such as KLRC, & Kix 104. Soon we will list each, and every sponsor, and partner within Northwest Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma that have expressed desire to become a part of this new ministry initiative. Thank you.

Freedom Warriors Alliance is a local non profit ministry headquartered in Northwest Arkansas with a broad vision. FWA delivers ministrations that impact the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental well being of the forgotten, wounded, and lost.


315 Bigi Avenue

Springdale, AR 12345

[email protected]

(479) 409-6173


8am — 5pm

Christian Leadership Quotes

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, & shows the way”…...

John C Maxwell.

Leadership Podcasts

Tune in here each week, and also our YouTube channel as we talk about what Godly Leadership means, bringing you greats topics to discuss !