
Respect is one of the most important characters in leadership. It means to show an attitude of appreciation for what others do. Do you put a high value on those people in your life, like for example the teacher in school, or pastor in church. They have been given a position of authority, in the military we often have people who out rank us. We may not necessarily agree with their personality, but we are required to respect their position. You know that saying respect is not given; you have to earn it over time and through your actions. The type of attitude that you have when you deal with people will determine if you are being respectful. Your behavior will determine if others respect you or not, if you earn it then you will gain it. Its all in how you treat people, the Golden Rule. The bible says to do unto others as you have them do unto you. Matthew 7:12

When I think about respect, the first creature that comes to mind would be the American bald eagle. The bald eagle is highly revered, and American Native traditions regard them as sacred. Native American’s believe that God chose them to be the rulers and masters of the sky. When any member of the tribe would receive a feather, it was because they were greatly respected. The golden eagle was the most coveted type of eagle, and they were the most significant. Eagles are respected in many cultures to include ancient ones, like Greeks, Romans, and Norse Traditions. Eagles were thought to be the messenger of God, and that is why you would see them as warfare symbols. Its also included in Christian and jewish faiths as well, Eagles represent spiritual fullfillment. The United States government also uses them as part of our flag traditions.

The Bible says “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor”. That means we should admire and obey those in authority, and show courtesy for others. Showing respect is not just your actions, its also how you speak, its your tone of voice, and the words that you use. Leaders are held accountable for what they say, and will have to give an account to God one day. The bible teaches us “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear”. In the military the more knowledge, and experience you gain-the more respect you will recieve. Respect is not automatic, its not freely given , no you gave to earn it. Any leader wants to be respected, so a suggestion would be don’t be selfish, its not about you. Think of others.

The eagle is a very powerful bird, throughout Scripture, eagles represent God’s handiwork, such as Proverbs 30:19 which says that “the way of an eagle in the sky” is an example of God’s wondrous creation. Job 39:27 is another example. But eagles also symbolize power. God often used the imagery of an eagle in issuing warnings to Israel and other nations who did evil (e.g. Obadiah 1:4,  Jeremiah 49:22 He chose the bird they considered powerful and unstoppable to demonstrate His sovereign control over everything.

Eagles are fearless creatures, an eagle will never surrender to the size or strength of its prey. It will always give a fight to win its prey or regain victory in its territory.A golden eagle displays remarkable hunting strategy, preying on goats much larger than itself by throwing them off the cliff face. No matter what the size of that person or what weapon they may be holding, you would attack them without thought or regard for yourself. It wouldn’t even dawn on you to be afraid because your instinct is to protect that which you love and cherish. Successful leaders are fearless because they have the power of the Holy Spirit inside them. Isaiah 40:31 reminds us: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings lke eagles- they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (KJV). This verse is the conclusion of a chapter detailing the greatness of God. It reminds the reader that the strongest of men may stumble and fall, but those who trust in the Lord have a strength that this world cannot offer. When we see an eagle in flight, soaring on invisible air currents, we can be reminded that the Creator who supplies the eagle’s strength will also strengthen those who call upon His name