

Enthusiasm is one of the most challenging characters in leadership. It means to show a feeling of energetic interest in something, or someone, and that your eager to be involved with it. People who show enthusiasm demonstrate qualities like dedication, and passion. Showing genuine interest in an activity, asking questions to get feedback, and generally participating, volunteering to be part of things are great ways to demonstrate enthusiasm. It’s difficult to be enthusiastic sometimes, we are human with feelings like: hunger, pain, or being tired can hinder it. The bible talks about the word zeal, it’s the Greek word ZELOS which means excitement of mind, and fervor of spirit. It’s a mindset of being kindled on fire, blazed up-leaping with joy. The Bible says “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord”. It’s a command to have some excitement !

When I was stationed in Germany with the US Army, I specifically remember one thing that Headquarters Company, 127th Avaition Support Battalion did: we had a great morale boosting chain of command. What I am telling you is that all of our leaders: from the Company Commander (Captain Mobley) down to the SSgt Copeland my platoon leader we all got excited-ranging from a PT run with music, to an artist like myself who volunteered to paint pictures up at the battalion where the Colonel worked. Doing this would bring awesome morale, (feeling of being encouraged, motivated, & inspired). I was a part of that for s few years, and I can tell you 15 years later I still miss being part of an organization that worked so hard to keep that standard of inspiring, motivating, and encouraging its team to apply excitement, and joy to everything we did !

The elephant is constantly enthusiastic, and they are among the most cheerful expressive creatures you will meet, and they have wild emotions to display. Elephants are known to express lots of joy, and happiness. When elephants are with their family in the wild they play games with one another. The most important event to an elephant is when a baby is born, and they can be heard making blaring, and bellowing sounds with their trunks during the birth. Elephants get very excited, they love spending time with relatives. They behave in some really interesting ways though: some might even call it crazy. Like humans the elephants also have family reunions. Elephants will run towards each other, screaming, and trumpeting at the same time. They also flap ears, rub tusks against each other, spin around, and pee on the ground cause they have lots of passion

The bible speaks many times about having joy, passion, fervor, or zeal in what you are doing. Enthusiasm can take ordinary actons, and transform them into extraordinary achievements. The Bible also says “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts” in Zechariah 4:6. When I was in the military I actually thought that leaders who were enthusiastic, that that was part of their secret to being successful. It was an infectious attitude to be around, and I remember wanting some. When you are energetic others notice it, being energetic helps you focus on the task, and it motivates others. Yet we are imperfect human beings, so we sometimes get quenched. To be energetic is very much like being a candle, it gives light but it can also burn out. The Holy Spirit is like a strong light bulb and if we are filled with him we will shine brightly !

One report shows that elephants show enthusiasm, and compassion for other creatures outside of their herd. They will risk their own life, for another animal that is not their own. There is one such story of an elephant helping a baby rhinoceros that had gotten stuck in the mud. It was a dangerous position to be in for the elephant because the mother rhinoceros kept charging the elephant. However it didn’t stop until things were better. Its amazing that such a creature can revel, weep, and even show grief. It makes you think that this animal has no limits to show emotions. Its truly remarkable that elephants have such an ability. We should take this example of animal inspiration to get excited about working together, leading others to make the right decisions. I think God gave us these animals to help teach us about having good character in our lives !.